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Tuesday, May 19, 2020 (12:30 - 14:00) GMT+8

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As covid-19 marched through the world, organisations both large and small struggled with the multidimensional set of risks it unleashed. The great majority of companies were caught off guard. For all kinds of businesses, in one fell swoop, the pandemic posed threats to the health of its people, caused havoc in supply chains and threw a huge spanner in both local and global operations. Now, for some, it has also raised financial, liquidity and legal risks.

Early in the crisis, some global leaders responded purposefully to news of the virus spreading beyond China, while others adopted a more wait-and-see approach. This disparity is likely to be driven by a range of factors – from holding different attitudes towards uncertainty, to having dissimilar access to intelligence or information.

Quite crucially, it is also likely to be a result of different approaches to corporate risk management. Covid-19 is showing clearly the business benefits of managing risk from an enterprise-wide perspective. The string of events related to the crisis reaffirms the need to develop a comprehensive strategy, process and response to protect a company's goals, revenues and capital.

How should business leaders chart the way forward when market conditions are rapidly evolving and new risks are emerging? How should CEOs lead the business in identifying and managing the largest upside, outside and downside risks associated with such a rude shock?

Join us as we discuss how senior business leaders should think about and re-examine approaches to risk management, and the role of the CEO in driving the risk agenda. Structured as a high-level brainstorming and sharing session among captains of industry, this session will stimulate the transfer of insights from one industry to another to learn leadership principles and strategic best practice, applicable to all companies in all industries.

This is a virtual session (on Zoom). For participants in Singapore, we are delighted to be delivering a special lunch to you. When your registration is confirmed, we will shortly provide details of how to order and receive your lunch.

Please note that this event is limited to senior-level executives and per invitation only. If you are not an existing member of The Economist Corporate Network, but would like to learn how you can attend our events, please contact us using the details above.
