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Monday, September 14, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) GMT+4

Event Details

The world is counting on a vaccine as a panacea for both the covid-19 pandemic and the economic chaos it has caused.

Scientists and pharmaceutical companies have stepped up to the task. More than 150 vaccines are being developed worldwide, with six in final, large-scale clinical trials.

But there are concerns about how quickly a vaccine will be developed, tested, manufactured and distributed; who will get it first and who will suffer shortages.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is trying to avert vaccine politics. It has drawn up guidelines for how early supplies should be distributed in order to save the most lives, protect fragile health systems and hasten the end of the pandemic.

We will be "in conversation with" Dr Swaminathan and a panel of regional healthcare business leaders to explore the following questions:

* What is a likely timeline for the development and roll-out of a vaccine, and what are the risks of failure or delay?

* What are the major challenges for development, testing, manufacturing and distribution?

* Is vaccine development a "winner takes all" race, or might there be different solutions arrived at simultaneously?

* What pledges are being made by the pharma companies involved in trials in terms of licencing and pricing?

* Can we expect a lifetime vaccine or will we require annual boosters?

* Should everyone in the world receive a vaccine ASAP, or is a programme of prioritisation more realistic?

