Event Details
As we enter into 2024, we are delighted to invite EICN members to join us for the 38th edition of The World Ahead; The Economist's future-gazing annual publication that is edited by Tom Standage, deputy editor of The Economist.
The World Ahead 2024 will consider the continuing geopolitical shifts caused by: the war in Ukraine; the new cold war between America and China; growing competition over the rules and resources that underpin the green-energy transition; and the consequences for countries, companies and citizens around the world as they grapple with economic uncertainty and rapid technological change. As countries accounting for more than half the world's population go to the polls, what will influence voters?
Join us on 13th Dec as we present Tom's ten trends that will shape 2024. This event will be exclusively for members of the EICN in Kuala Lumpur.
Please note that this event is limited to senior-level executives and per invitation only. If you are not an existing member of Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, but would like to learn how you can attend our events, please send an email to eicn_sea@economist.com.