Event Details

We conclude another vibrant year of EICN events with our classic event, 'The World Ahead,' now in its 38th edition of editorial success. This time, the keynote presentation will be delivered by Rachel Morarjee, EICN's Senior Network Advisor, and EICN Beijing's former Network Director, who will cover a range of critical subjects with tremendous impact on Korea and the region. These include the ongoing stalemate in eastern Ukraine, the aftermath of a year marked by high interest rates, lower than expected growth, and China's increasingly assertive presence in Asia โ€” Rachel's strongest area of expertise.The event, our last for 2023, will feature a lavish dinner and drinks, and, as always, the highest quality of corporate networking in Seoul

.Dress code: Business attire

Please note that this event is limited to senior-level executives and per invitation only. If you are not an existing member of The Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, but would like to learn how you can attend our events, please contact us.

Please note that this event is limited to senior-level executives and per invitation only. If you are not an existing member of The Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, but would like to learn how you can attend our events, please contact us.


18:00 - 18:30
Registration and Networking
18:30 - 19:15
Rachel presentation and Q&A
19:15 - 20:00
Panel discussion and Q&A
20:00 - 21:30
Cocktail Party


  • Rachel Morarjee (Senior Network Advisor at Economist Intelligence Corporate Network)

    Rachel Morarjee

    Senior Network Advisor at Economist Intelligence Corporate Network

    Rachel Morarjee brings over two decades of foreign reporting experience to the boardroom when advising executives about geopolitical risk.

    A fluent Chinese speaker, Rachel was the director of the Economist Intelligence Corporate Network between 2017 and 2020 in Beijing where she worked with local management teams and visiting C-suite executives navigating China’s changing political, policy, business and economic climate.

    Prior to joining the Economist Intelligence Unit, Rachel was the Financial Times correspondent in Kabul before working with the paper in London and Moscow.

    During her time in Beijing, Rachel sat on the board of the European Chamber of Commerce in China, where she spearheaded the Chamber’s Cross-Industry Mentor Initiative, to build a leadership pipeline for mid-career women in European companies.

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  • Jeongmin Kim (Editorial Director of KOREA PRO)

    Jeongmin Kim

    Editorial Director of KOREA PRO

    Jeongmin Kim is a Seoul-based journalist who serves as Editorial Director at KOREA PRO and Lead Correspondent at NK News, both divisions of Korea Risk Group. Specializing in military, political, and foreign affairs concerning both Koreas, Kim covers government news and analysis and liaises with the ROK Presidential Office as well as the foreign, defense, and unification ministries. She reported on the 2022 ROK Presidential Election on the ground and frequently moderates Korea Risk Group briefings, as well as external events such as the Korea Economic Institute's 2023 debate on South Korea's nuclear armament.

    With a career that spans Washington D.C. and Seoul, Kim has previously worked at the Korea Chair of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Reuters' Seoul bureau, covering major events on the Korean Peninsula, including summits, COVID-19 and ROK elections. She regularly appears in international media outlets such as BBC, ABC Australia and DW, and her bylines have appeared in publications such as Foreign Policy and Asia Society Magazine, focusing on South Korean socio-economic issues. Kim is currently pursuing a master's degree in Political Science at Seoul National University and holds a bachelor's degree in Asian Studies from Yonsei University's Underwood International College (UIC).

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  • Andrew Knox (Seoul Bureau Chief at The Economist)

    Andrew Knox

    Seoul Bureau Chief at The Economist

    Andrew Knox is The Economist’s Seoul bureau chief and Koreas correspondent, writing about politics, economics and society in both North and South Korea. He previously worked as a news editor on The Economist’s digital team. Prior to becoming a journalist he completed a PhD in philosophy at University College London.

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  • Jacco Zwetsloot (Network Moderator, Seoul at Economist Intelligence Corporate Network)

    Jacco Zwetsloot

    Network Moderator, Seoul at Economist Intelligence Corporate Network

    Jacco Zwetsloot has lived in Korea for 20 of the last 25 years, with a broad range of work experience in the communication, legal, tourism, training and broadcasting sectors. He has worked as an English teacher, a tour guide for the US military, a regular radio show guest, and a translator of North Korean propaganda. Currently, Jacco works as a content creator for a communications consultancy Insight Communications Consultants, hosts a weekly podcast about North Korea, moderates panel discussions, writes a monthly Korean newspaper column and still leads occasional lunchtime walking tours in downtown Seoul for the Royal Asiatic Society Business & Culture Club. Jacco holds a Master of Arts degree in Korean Studies from Leiden University, a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies from Monash University and a separate Bachelor of Arts in Modern European Studies and German Language from the University of Melbourne.

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