Event Details
While increasing pressure on healthcare brought about by China's exit from zero-Covid was foreseeable, the rapidly surging caseload nationwide has put an overwhelming strain on the country's hospitals and medicine supplies, especially in lower-tier cities and rural areas. At the same time, China's aging population is intensifying concerns about higher medical costs and the sustainability of pensions. The latest Global Health Expenditure Database of the WHO shows that China ranks 86th in terms of total health spending per capita in 2020, well below some lesser developed countries in Southeast Asia and Latin America. All of this is strengthening calls for further substantial reforms to the country's healthcare system.
What is the current outlook for China's healthcare system and its reform? Are there emerging business opportunities in the healthcare sector in the Chinese market? How should companies respond to China's centralised volume-based procurement programme to stay in the market and maintain a certain profit margin?
Join business leaders and industry experts for an in-depth discussion of these questions. Please bring your own insights to the table for what is sure to be a lively conversation.
Please note that this event is limited to senior-level executives and per invitation only. If you are not an existing member of The Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, but would like to learn how you can attend our events, please contact us.