Africa faces a unique economic outlook for 2025. Encouraging strong growth in East Africa is expected to be buffeted budget shortfalls and the need for diversified tax bases and ne...
We are delighted to invite you to a special end-of-year EICN braai at which we will bring to life The Economist's annual publication, The World Ahead 2025!The World Ahead 2025 will...
The World Ahead 2025 will build on more than three decades of publishing success and will be the 39th edition of The Economist's future-gazing annual. After an unprecedented year o...
Join the EICN for the final Regional Strategic Forecast for the year! This valuable session will prep executives for what may very well be the beginning of a new era defined by com...
Executive Insight is a quarterly summary filled with in-depth data and analysis relevant for our Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong networks, as well as an overall regional view to a...