Monday, June 29, 2020 (14:00 - 15:00) GMT+4
An easing of lockdown conditions in MENA is now under way. Together with supportive fiscal and monetary policy adjustments, this will help most countries in the region to return to growth in late 2020 and early 2021. However, the recovery will be moderated by ongoing social distancing and public health protocols, as well as cautious spending by more financially stressed households, businesses and governments.
Some countries will struggle and perform much worse than others in terms of health and economic outcomes, while certain sectors will prove to be more resilient to the pandemic and much more capable of bounce-back than others.
Join us, and a panel of regional business leaders, for an ECN webinar in which we will explore which countries and which sectors are primed for the quickest recoveries and whose disruption from COVID19 will linger longer.
Regional Editorial Director, MEA of The Economist Intelligence Unit
Director, MENA of The Economist Corporate Network