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Thursday, April 23, 2020 (16:30 - 17:30) GMT+8

Event Details

How will Covid-19 reshape China's political environment? Will President Xi Jinping emerge from the crisis stronger than ever? What challenges does the virus pose for the Communist Party rule? What does the buzz on social media tell us about the political atmosphere in the country?

China's biggest annual political meeting will begin this weekend. The country's top legislative body, the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress will convene in Beijing this Sunday April 26th with the most senior officials in China looking at control of wildlife markets and free trade zones among other things.

What's on the political agenda for the year ahead and what are the major political challenges?

Join the Economist Intelligence Unit's Asia Research Director Tom Rafferty and the editor of the Economist Newspaper's Global Business Review Herbert Chen Wu to find out.

